Section: Software

Symbolic-numeric Computations with Linear ODEs

Participant : Marc Mezzarobba.

NumGfun is a Maple package for performing numerical and “analytic” computations with the solutions of linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients. Its main features include the numerical evaluation of these functions with rigorous error bounds and the computation of symbolic bounds on solutions of certain recurrences. NumGfun is distributed as part of gfun, itself part of the Algolib bundle. It is used by the Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical Functions to provide its numerical evaluation features. NumGfun 0.6, released in 2012, provides new feature for the numerical solution of so-called regular singular connection problems, and many small improvements.

URL: http://marc.mezzarobba.net/#code-NumGfun

  • ACM: D.2.2 (Software libraries), G.4 (Mathematical software)

  • APP: cf. gfun

  • License: LGPL v2.1

  • Type of human computer interaction: Maple library, usable interactively or from Maple code.

  • OS/Middleware: any platform supporting Maple.

  • Required library or software: Maple , gfun .

  • Programming language: Maple

  • Documentation: available as Maple help pages and in pdf format.